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Do you know how to interact with police?

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2019 | Criminal Defense |

Most people never find themselves interacting with police. And if they do, it’s typically the result of a basic traffic violation, such as running a stop sign or speeding.

However, there are other situations in which you may have to interact with police, such as if they stop you on the street or show up on your front porch.

Knowing how to interact with police is critical to your safety, as well as your ability to protect your legal rights. Here are a few tips to guide you:

  • How to interact with police if they come to your door: If a police officer visits you at home or your place of employment, remain respectful and immediately ask for additional information. Also, if they ask to come inside your home, request that they provide a search warrant. You can also call your attorney at this time for additional direction.
  • How to interact with police if you’re stopped on the street: For example, a police officer may stop you on the street if they have reason to believe you were partaking in criminal activity. While you have the legal right to state that you don’t want to speak with them, there’s a chance the officer will continue to question you. This is particularly true if they suspect you of committing a crime. If you’re arrested, keep calm and remain quiet until you have the opportunity to speak with your attorney.
  • How to interact with police if you’re pulled over for drunk driving: Police continue to crack down on drunk driving across the state, thus leading them to pull over anyone who appears intoxicated. Remain in your vehicle, stick to the facts and decide if it’s in your best interest to take a breath test or field sobriety test, if requested.

As scary as it may be to come face to face with a police officer, you have legal rights and it’s up to you to protect them. Regardless of where the interaction occurs, it’s a must to know what you can and can’t do.

Visit our website and read our blog for more information on interacting with police, criminal defense strategies and related subject matter in New Jersey.


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