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Pedestrian safety and accident data

On Behalf of | Nov 16, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

You need to keep an eye out for various hazards when you walk near traffic, especially since the chances of suffering an injury when an accident occurs become especially high as a pedestrian. Whether you walk to work every day, get exercise by jogging alongside the road or occasionally cross busy streets while running errands, you could find yourself seriously hurt if a vehicle hits you.

It is crucial for pedestrians and drivers to examine risk factors linked with pedestrian accidents as well as statistics on the number of pedestrians injured and killed due to traffic accidents.

Preventing a pedestrian accident

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration outlines strategies for drivers and pedestrians to reduce the likelihood of a pedestrian accident. As a pedestrian, you should pay close attention to traffic signals and signs, use sidewalks when possible and do your best to cross the road at a crosswalk or intersection, if you can. Always pay attention to moving vehicles, including vehicles in parking lots and driveways.

Drivers can also take steps to reduce the chances of a pedestrian accident. Drivers should always watch out for pedestrians and exercise caution when visibility is poor. Drivers must yield to pedestrians using crosswalks, abide by traffic safety guidelines (such as speed limits) and avoid driving while intoxicated.

Pedestrian deaths and injuries

In 2020, 6,516 pedestrians lost their lives in traffic accidents. Additionally, estimates suggest that pedestrian injuries across the U.S. left 55,000 people hurt. If you face hardships in the wake of a pedestrian accident, it is essential to look into your rights.


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