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How do you identify skull fractures?

On Behalf of | Aug 20, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

When faced with traumatic impact injuries to the head, your brain will likely suffer damage. Though the skull is not as soft, even the hard protective layer of bone can end up taking on injury in severe enough circumstances.

Because of how badly skull fractures can impact your head, it is crucial to seek immediate medical care for it. But to do that, you must first know how to identify the signs indicating this injury.

Internal bleeding and CSF

Merck Manual examines the potential signs that accompany a fractured skull. Internal bleeding often gives these injuries away, and you can identify this through several methods. First, check the hollow areas of the skull for signs of blood pooling, as blood within the skull will naturally collect here. This means looking for bruising behind the ears and around the eyes.

Next, keep an eye out for blood or clear fluid draining from the ears or nose. Blood may build up behind the eardrums, which can eventually cause them to burst and result in blood leaking out. The clear fluid is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and it exists within cranial and spinal spaces. Fractures often puncture these areas and result in this fluid leaking out.

Neurological symptoms

Neurological damage may also appear, due to bruising or even cuts and hemorrhaging of the brain because of the fracture or concussive force behind it. These symptoms often appear shortly after the impact and can have profound effects on the victim. It may include repeated vomiting, piercing head pain, partial or full paralysis and an inability to identify one’s surroundings.

Head trauma like this requires immediate medical attention to avoid the possibility of permanent damage, so seek aid if you notice any of these signs.


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