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Taking a look at license plate impoundment

On Behalf of | Dec 9, 2020 | DUI/DWI Defense |

If you are facing allegations of driving drunk, you need to look into the potential ways in which these charges could impact your life. Fines, a damaged reputation and even career problems are a reality for some of those who are accused of driving drunk. Many people are also aware that drunk driving charges can result in vehicle impoundment, but it is also crucial to take a look at license plate impoundment, a penalty in many states.

License plate impoundment has the potential to disrupt your life in different ways. Aside from interfering with your ability to drive, this can also create additional stress and uncertainty for those dealing with a drunk driving case (and the various repercussions that come with these charges).

Reviewing license plate restrictions

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the laws regarding license plate impoundment vary from one state to the next. However, many states impose these restrictions on those charged with drunk driving for a second or subsequent offense. In some instances, people have to sign an affidavit that they will not let an individual who is facing drunk driving charges operate their vehicle (such as someone pulled over for driving drunk while in their spouse’s car).

Reviewing the duration of license plate impoundment

The duration of license plate impoundment depends on the state in which one is charged with driving drunk. Sometimes, these restrictions are imposed for 90 days, 180 days or another period of time (depending on the details of one’s case). License plate impoundment, along with other penalties that come with drunk driving charges, are serious consequences that require careful review. Make sure you are prepared for the different repercussions of your drunk driving case and have a clear understanding of your legal rights.



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