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Do you qualify for New Jersey drug court?

On Behalf of | Oct 26, 2020 | Drug Charges |

If you face charges for driving under the influence or other substance-related crimes in New Jersey, you might qualify for the state drug court program. This diversion program includes substance use treatment and other recovery-focused services. 

Review the details about drug court to learn more about this potential opportunity to achieve sobriety while working toward criminal record expungement. 


To qualify for drug court in New Jersey, you must: 

  • Have a clinical assessment that diagnoses moderate to severe substance use disorder 
  • Have a history of criminal activity related to drugs or alcohol 
  • Have no history of violent offenses 
  • Be willing to attend either an outpatient or inpatient substance use treatment program 

If your attorney believes that you are eligible, he or she will make a recommendation to drug court to the county prosecutor. 

Program requirements

To successfully graduate from drug court, you must complete four phases and meet the goals of each before moving forward. Most participants finish the program in about two years. 

Some of the requirements include: 

  • Passing regular urine drug screens 
  • Reporting to weekly court appointments, which decrease in frequency as you complete phases of the program 
  • Attending self-help meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous 

You can also receive help getting your driver’s license, finding a job or enrolling in school. As of October 2020, the drug court program reports that 89% of participants have a job at the time of graduation. 

Most drug court graduates remain sober and stay out of the court system. Fewer than 6% receive another state conviction within three years of graduation. 


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