How to combat risky teenage drivers

On Behalf of | Apr 29, 2020 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Everyone with a driver’s license has the right to operate a motor vehicle, but some drivers pose a higher risk than others. Teenagers have the highest incidence of accidents, and this puts other drivers in danger.

One of the reasons teenagers are in so many crashes is inexperience. Fortunately, there are ways the state is helping improve the skills of these drivers.

Teenage driving stats

According to the Centers for Disease Control, hundreds of teens receive injuries and around six teens die every day from motor vehicle accidents. Although teenage drivers make up only 6.5% of the population, they are responsible for around 8% of costs related to crashes. The chances of an accident increase for

  • Males
  • Drivers in the first month with a license
  • Drivers who have other teenagers in the car

Graduated Driver License program

One way the state of New Jersey is helping reduce the number of accidents is via the Graduated Driver License program. According to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, the GDL requirements are for all drivers under the age of 21. The program consists of three stages: Special learner’s permit, examination permit and probationary license.

Some of the restrictions for drivers in all stages include no wireless communication device, such as a phone, and no driving between the hours of 11 pm and 5 am. During the special permit and examination permit stages, a driver over the age of 21 must always accompany the teenage driver. During all stages, the only other passengers allowed in the vehicle include guardians, parents and dependents as well as one other passenger unless there is a parent in the vehicle. Any driver who does not follow the program’s requirements is subject to a $100 fine.
