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How drivers in New Jersey can prepare for winter

On Behalf of | Dec 4, 2018 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

To prepare for the challenges that winter brings, drivers should consider the following tips. The first is to have a properly winterized car. Mechanics could check the tires for wear and bring them to the right pressure. They could also check antifreeze levels as well as the most important vehicle components, including the battery, brakes, ignition, spark plugs and filters. Next, drivers should be aware of their car’s safety features.

For example, one should know whether a vehicle has anti-lock braking or not, which comes in handy in a skid. Traction control, which is standard on most new vehicles, can also benefit one on snowy, icy or wet roads. As for newer safety technologies, drivers can always take advantage of what the National Safety Council has to say since it is currently educating drivers on these technologies through the My Car Does What? campaign.

Drivers are encouraged to keep an emergency kit in their vehicles. These should contain, among other things, jumper cables, ice scrapers, shovels, flashlights, first-aid kits and flares or reflective triangles. Drivers should plan their routes beforehand, share them with a friend or family member and avoid going out in storms when possible.

When driving, increase the distance from the vehicle in front to between 8 and 10 seconds. Drivers should accelerate and decelerate slowly but never stop when going uphill.

Drivers who are ill-prepared for the winter will only increase their risk for a motor vehicle accident. If they cause one through their own negligence, the other side may have good grounds to file a personal injury claim. Victims who have already filed with their own auto insurance company can, with the help of a lawyer, file a third-party insurance claim. The lawyer may successfully negotiate a settlement covering medical expenses, lost wages and other applicable losses.


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